技术移民新程序补料清单 |
发布时间:2009-06-02 20:41 来源:未知 点击:次 |
- 任何随你前往加拿大的受赡养子女,需由其非随行前往加拿大的父(母)亲一方出具书面的无异议证明,同意你将此子女从其居住国带走,此证明需公证;
- 16 周岁以上子女的未婚证明;
2.2 受赡养子女的状况及受教育文件(适用于递交申请时已年满22周岁或以上的受赡养子女)
- 年满22周岁后持续性全日制学习的证明;
- 年满22周岁以来持续性接受其父(母)亲经济支持的证明.
2.3 如果要随同移民的未成年子女的一方父母无法一同随行,则需要提供不随行一方父母需要签署一份使馆提供的同意声明(No Objection Separation Declaration),并附上身份证复印件。
2.4 护照及身份证的复印件(主申请及随行的家庭成员),不要寄护照原件。
2.5 无犯罪证明(18 周岁以上家庭成员,居住期超过 6 个月的居住地都需要提供)
2.6 每人四张照片,在照片后注明名字并放在信封中
(a) Certificate of birth for the principal applicant, the spouse or common-law partner and all dependent children (note that for children born after the year 1990 a photocopy of the original birth certificate is required);
(b) Certificate of marriage;
(c) Certificate of death of a spouse;
(d) Certificate of divorce and civil mediation for the applicant and/or the spouse/common-law partner (specifying legal custody of any dependent children);
(e) Adoption certificate issued by the government authority for any adopted children;
(f) Household registration (hukou) for the applicant, the spouse or common-law partner and all dependent children;
(g) Certificate of non-marriage for all dependent children 16 years old or over.
2.2 For an applicant accompanied by a child who is 22 years or older and full-time student at the time of application:
(a) Proof that the child has been continuously enrolled and actively pursuing a course of study at an accredited post secondary institution since before the age of 22. Acceptable documents may include all available educational credentials, transcripts, registration of admission, school fee payment receipts, attendance record indicating the total number of hours of classes per week;
(b) Proof that the child has been continuously financially supported by the parents since before the age of 22.
2.3 For an applicant accompanied by a minor child whose other parent is not going to Canada: notarized copy of a letter of authorization and no-objection signed by the non-accompanying parent. Please note that only the form provided by the Embassy should be used and it should be accompanied by a photocopy of the national identity card of the non-accompanying parent.
2.4 Photocopies of passport pages bearing the photo and identity of the principal applicant and accompanying family members and photocopies of the national identity card of the principal applicant and the accompanying family members. Do not send original passports at this time.(b) 在中国取得的高等教育学历,需递交教育部学位与研究生发展中心学位认证报告原件;
(c) 职业资格证书(如工程师、计算机程序员、会计、翻译/口译、建筑师、医生等);
(a) Degrees/diplomas and transcripts for each post-secondary degree/diploma obtained by the principal applicant either in China or abroad;
(b) You are required to apply for verification of the highest post-secondary degree/diploma you obtained in China with the China Academic Degree and Graduate Education Development Centre (CADGEDC). For contact details and further information on the application process click here
(c) Professional qualifications certificates, if available (e.g. Engineer, Computer Programmer, Accountant, Translator/Interpreter, Architect, Medical Doctor etc.).
For more information on the Education selection factor click here
5. 英语或法语能力
5.1 The principal applicant must provide conclusive proof of his/her level of proficiency in English and/or French. In order to do this, he/she may take a language test or provide other written proof of his/her abilities.
We strongly recommend that you take a language test from an approved organization.
For more information on the Ability in English and/or French selection factor click here
6. 工作经历(过去十年)
a) 雇佣信(推荐信)必须包含所有以下信息:
. 在该公司的确切工作时长;
. 工作期间所有你所处职位及分别的时长;
. 在每个职位期间你的主要职责;
. 你的年工资及津贴总数;
. 收入(薪金,福利,提成及红利,如果有提成及红利解释计算办法);
. 签署此信人员的名片.
b) 劳动合同公证;
c) 雇主或相关主管部门提供的主申请的个税证明及社会保险证明;
a) The principal applicant must provide original letters of reference from their current and past employers for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form. These certificates must give the title and contact information of the signatory or the Personnel Officer of the company and must include all the following information:
7. AGE (年龄证明,出生证明和户口上都有体现)
Please refer to point 2.1 (a) above for documents related to age. For more information on the Age selection factor click here
8. 加拿大工作安排
8.1 如果当前正在加拿大持有工作许可合法工作,提供工作许可的复印件.
8.2 如果持有 HRSDC 确认的长期工作 Offer,提供 HRSDC 确认信的复印件;
8.1 If you are currently working in Canada under a work permit, provide a photocopy of the permit.
8.2 If you have a permanent job offer confirmed by Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), provide a photocopy of the HRSDC confirmation letter (Arranged Employment Opinion) which was sent to your employer.
For more information on the Arranged employment in Canada selection factor click here
9. 适应能力
9.1 配偶教育水平
(a) 所获得的所有学位/文凭及相应的成绩单;
(b) 在中国取得的高等教育学历,需递交教育部学位与研究生发展中心学位认证报告原件;
9.2 主副申请加拿大工作证明
(a) CIC 的工作许可纸(Employment authorization)
(b) 加拿大雇主的推荐信原件
9.3 主副申请加拿大学习证明
(a) CIC 的学生纸(Student authorization)
(b) 两年以上 post-secondard(高中后高等教育)的学位/文凭和成绩单
9.4 加拿大工作安排,见 8 的介绍 (b) 加拿大亲属的公民卡或枫叶卡,
(c) 加拿大亲属最近的评税表(Notice of Assessment)或 T4 slip,最近的加拿大公用事业帐单(utilities bills)和加拿大居住租赁合同(home rental contract)
9.1 Proof of spouse’s or common-law partner’s level of education:
(a) Degrees/diplomas and transcripts for each post-secondary degree/diploma obtained by the spouse or common-law partner either in China or abroad;
(b) Your spouse or common-law partner is required to apply for verification of the highest post-secondary degree/diploma obtained in China with the China Academic Degree and Graduate Education Development Centre (CADGEDC).
For contact details and further information on the application process click here
9.2 Previous work in Canada of the principal applicant and/or the spouse or common-law partner:
(a) Employment authorization issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada;
(b) Original letter(s) of reference from past and present Canadian employer(s), written on company letterhead, showing the company’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, and stamped with the company’s official seal; - T4 slips or Notice of Assessment.
9.3 Previous study in Canada of the principal applicant and/or the spouse
or common-law partner:
(a) Student authorization issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada,
(b) Degrees/diplomas and transcripts from each school attended in Canada as proof of completion of a program of full-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada.
9.4 Arranged employment in Canada
Please refer to point 8 above.
9.5 Relatives in Canada of the principal applicant and/or the spouse or common-law partner:
(a) Birth certificate and/or kinship certificate of the relative in Canada,
(b) Relative’s Permanent Resident Card or Canadian Citizenship Card/Certificate,
(c) Relative’s most recent Notice of Assessment or T4 slip, most recent utilities bills and home rental contract in Canada. |
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